Walk the Talk Cover

De las palabras a la acción

Conjunto de herramientas para acompañar la «Hoja de ruta para las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias para una economía de vida y una justicia ecológica»
Edited by:
Athena Peralta

«De las palabras a la acción» se basa en la publicación de 2019 del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) titulada «Hoja de ruta para las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias para una economía de vida y una justicia ecológica», una invitación a debatir un programa de cinco pasos para cambiar nuestra manera de ocuparnos de la economía y nuestro entorno ecológico.

«Invitamos a las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias a unirse a la peregrinación por una economía de vida y por la justicia climática, a comprometerse a introducir cambios en nuestra manera de vivir, a compartir ideas eficaces y alentarnos mutuamente».

Specs: 37 pages, A4, PDF, 4-Colour

ISBN: 978-2-8254-1782-9

Shelving: Religión / Ecología

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Inviting congregations, communities, and churches to join a pilgrimage for an Economy of Life and climate justice.

Contributors: Louk Andrianos

Dennis Nonnast

“Walk the Talk” builds on the 2019 publication of the World Council of Churches (WCC) titled, “Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice,” an invitation to discuss a 5-step programme to change the way we deal with the economy and our ecological surroundings.

Churches and other faith-based institutions hold significant resources such as land, buildings, and financial assets. Churches are also employers and consumers and users of all sorts of products and services. What if churches’ resources were used to promote sustainable alternatives responding to the climate emergency and to break the cycle of poverty by making reparations and providing opportunities for decent work, just wages, and fair prices? What if churches collectively applied their purchasing power to support products and companies that consider the wellbeing of communities and our planet? Wouldn’t we be living out God’s call to transforming discipleship? And wouldn’t the world be a kinder, fairer, and more beautiful place?

This toolkit aims to enthuse congregations and churches through concrete examples of communities in action as well as offer good practices and practical materials to “walk the talk” on economic and ecological justice.

“We invite congregations, communities, and churches to join a pilgrimage for an Economy of Life and climate justice, to commit to make changes in the way we live, to share successful ideas, and to encourage one another.”