Iglesia de Cristo en el Congo - Comunidad Menonita en Congo
(Eglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté Mennonite au Congo, CMC)
Before the formation of the Congo Inland Mission in 1912, the Mission Board of the Mennonite Church and the Amish Mennonite Conference (both in the USA) had sent missionaries to the Congo. In 1911 the United Mennonite Board of Missions was organized and incorporated as the Congo Inland Mission a year later. Missionaries of the Swedish Baptist Mission joined the Congo Inland Mission in 1914. The name was changed to Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, Inc. in 1970. American Mennonite missions have been at work principally in three provinces: Bandundu, Western Kasai and Eastern Kasai. The Evangelical Mennonite Church of the Congo was established in 1960. When it joined with other Protestant churches to form the Church of Christ in Congo it took the name Mennonite Community Congo. Its headquarters are in Tshikapa in the Western Kasai, about 500 km from Kinshasa.
At the time of the struggle for independence from colonial rule, Mennonite missionaries had to leave the country. Some returned, but during the troubled period of the early 1990s all left and the Mennonite Community in Congo lost all external support. The church has grown in number and inner strength. Its members are essentially among the poor population living in remote rural areas. Communication is extremely difficult. The Mennonite Community is trying to assist the people through schools, agricultural projects and some medical work. For the formation of its pastors and evangelists it operates two Bible schools and a theological school.
Last updated:01/01/06