Ungarische Reformierte Kirche in Amerika
In 1921 the Reformed Church of Hungary transferred its two classes in America to the Reformed Church in the United States (now the United Church of Christ). Certain Hungarian Reformed congregations refused the agreement, and founded the Free Hungarian Reformed Church in America, in 1924. In 1959 the general assembly of the church decided to change the name to Hungarian Reformed Church in America. All the members of the church cherish their Hungarian roots, their culture and mother tongue, and want to uphold that heritage in their new homeland. In 2004 they celebrated the 80th anniversary of the church. Their spirit and faith remain strong, as they consider it God's will and their duty to maintain the American Hungarian churches, a large part of that heritage. The pastors have a strong sense of serving and building the church. The pastors' conference and the presbyters' conference are working well together in raising the spirits of the congregations. The monthly magazine Magyar Church - Magyar Egyház is also an important instrument in holding the communities together. The activities of the church are carried out jointly by the members of the congregations, the elders and the pastors, with the support of the church-wide organizations.
The Hungarian Reformed Church in America is organized in three classes: Western, Central, and Eastern. It is a member of the consultative synod of the Hungarian Reformed Churches and the World Federation of the Hungarian Reformed Churches. It considers itself to be one branch only of the Reformed family, as part of Christ's church.