Anglikanische Kirche Südamerikas
(Iglesia Anglicana de Sudamérica)
The church began as a mission to groups untouched by evangelization in Patagonia, in the 1840s. British immigrants to the area increased the need for chaplaincies. Support from England came through the South American Missionary Society, which now supports diocesan activities. It covers six countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. At the beginning of 1991, the seven Anglican dioceses (including North Argentina) in these countries constituted an autonomous province within the Anglican communion. The Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America is well-respected in the area by other churches, including the Roman Catholic hierarchy and by the governmental authorities. It holds together the differences of culture, charismatic experience and missionary purpose, thus embracing both concern for issues of evangelism and social issues such as land rights and development. Spanish-speaking outreach is more recent and constitutes the key urban ministries of the church.