Zambia was settled by Bantu people from 800 AD and later by other groups from neighbouring regions. In 1890 the British South Africa Company took hold of the territory. In 1911 the British established the protectorate of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). The discovery of vast copper deposits led to intensive mining in the Copperbelt, the north-western part of the country. Zambia became independent in 1964, under president Kaunda. In the period of decolonization and the liberation struggles in Southern Africa, Zambia was one of Africa's leading young nations. Kaunda did much to unite the country, with the famous slogan "One Zambia, One Nation". Zambia's economy is growing again since 2004, after a long period of decline due to the drop in copper prices on the world market and poor management. The country is facing a high poverty rate, especially in the rural areas, and high rates of HIV/AIDS infection. Christian missions came to Zambia in the 19th century. The churches are strong and have an important place in the society. The Catholic Church is the largest church, followed by the United Church of Zambia. In 2000, it was estimated that 35 percent of the Christians were Evangelicals and Pentecostals/Charismatics. In 1991 Zambia was declared a Christian nation by its president, a born-again Christian. The matter was being reconsidered during a revision of the constitution in 2005. The churches were not united on the issue. The Council of Churches is the ecumenical body. The Evangelical Fellowship is affiliated with the WEA.