
Rooted in Gods redemptive mission, believers are called to be salt and light, inspiring transformation in every context, including Pakistan, where Christians embody the Gospel through love, education, and interfaith dialogue. As agents of reconciliation, we are called to live as visible testimonies of Gods grace, building peace and hope for all humanity.

Our calling as Christians

As believers, our calling is to strengthen our faith through the Word of God and live as testimonies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is rooted in the Great Commandment—to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:37–39)—and the Great Commission, where Jesus urges us to go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Christian vocation, as articulated by N.T. Wright, extends beyond personal salvation, encompassing the mission of participating in Gods redemptive work by reflecting His love, justice, and reconciliation across every sphere of life (Wright, 2010). Wright emphasizes that the church exists for mission, in the sense of bringing Gods wisdom to bear on the world” and participating in the ongoing renewal of creation.

The role of the Holy Spirit in Christian witness

The Bible, as the living Word of God, stands independently and requires no human defense. As Karl Barth asserts, the Word of God attests itself,” and its authority is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, not through human argumentation (Barth, 2009). It is through the Spirit working in and through ordinary believers that the Gospel spreads effectively. As Paul wrote, We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). True Christian witness is not found in debates but in lives transformed by the Spirit, embodying Christs presence in the world.

Christian contributions to human progress

Historically, Christianity has shaped the world profoundly through contributions to education, healthcare, science, and human rights. From the founding of universities in medieval Europe to the establishment of hospitals by missionaries, believers have embodied Christs teachings through service and innovation. David Bentley Hart (2009) argues that Christianity has been a powerful force for moral progress, advancing the sanctity of life, the dignity of the individual, and human rights. This legacy continues to inspire believers today, urging them toward not only personal holiness but also transformative action within society.

Living as salt and light: a faith in practice

Our calling is to live as salt and light (Matthew 5:13–16), demonstrating the relevance of the Gospel by promoting peace, justice, and human flourishing. Christian ethics emphasize the intrinsic value of every human being, created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This foundational belief calls us to love and serve all people, transcending barriers of race, faith, and culture. James reinforces this practical dimension of faith, writing, Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17).

The Christian witness in Pakistan

Despite challenges, the Christian community in Pakistan has made meaningful contributions to education, healthcare, and social welfare. Institutions such as Forman Christian College and Murray College in Sialkot, along with Christian-run hospitals, have served people of all faiths, promoting dignity, knowledge, and healing. Furthermore, Christian organizations actively engage in interfaith dialogue, working toward peace and reconciliation in a polarized society. These efforts embody the Gospels call to be agents of hope and light, even in difficult circumstances.

Embodying the Living Word through service and innovation

In a world often captivated by argumentation and ideological differences, believers are called to embody the living Word through Christ-like love, service, and innovation. As Lesslie Newbigin (1989) observes, the churchs witness lies not only in preaching but in its visible life together as the foretaste of Gods reign.” This communal life, rooted in Gods creativity and compassion, reflects His wisdom and grace. As agents of reconciliation and renewal, believers are called to bring hope, peace, and healing to humanity, transcending barriers and fulfilling their divine calling to make all things new.

About the author :

Rev. Sharaz Sharif Alam, Pastor in Ghakkhar, Ibenwali, Noora-Kot, and Naat Khalan; General Secretary, Presbyterian Church of Pakistan; Part-time PhD Student at Oxford Centre for Mission studies oxford, UK.


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