Dr Pavol Bargár is a researcher at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague, and an ordained elder in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren.
Recently, his research in the field of theology and culture, with a particular focus on myth, symbols, and narrative theology, was published as Narrative, Myth, Transformation: Reflecting Theologically on Contemporary Culture (Jihlava: Mlyn, 2016). Currently, he is participating in a research project on hermeneutics of ecumenical dialogue. He also serves as secretary of the Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies (CEEAMS), as the 2nd vice president of the International Council of Christians and Jews, and on editorial boards of various academic and semi-academic journals.
He was a participant at the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) of the World Council of Churches in 2013 in Seoul and Busan, South Korea. For the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute Europe (GETI'17) he served both as a member of the Steering Committee and of the Academic Committee and as a core faculty member.