Assembly Theme Booklet Cover

Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity: A reflection on the theme of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Karlsruhe 2022.

The result of the work of an international group drawn from different regions and confessional traditions, the text is intended as a resource for churches and Christians worldwide in advance of the WCC’s 11th Assembly, to take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 31 August to 8 September 2022. It offers biblical and theological reflections on the assembly theme, inspired by a biblical verse – “For the love of Christ urges us on” (2 Cor. 5:14) – against the backdrop of critical issues confronting churches and humanity as a whole. The text is available initially in four languages – English, French, German, and Spanish.

Specs: 24 pages; 4-colour

ISBN: 978-2-8254-1756-0

Rights: World, all languages

Smaller files PDF in English, French, German, Spanish, German, Kiswahili, Russian, Indonesian and Arabic can be downloaded from the specific language pages - see links.

High resolution downloads in WCC working languages are available at the links below. If high resolution files are needed in the other languages, contact [email protected]:

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